Russia's Foreign Ministry on Its Presidential Election and Syria

Written by Subject: Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry on Its Presidential Election and Syria

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Commenting on Russia's March 18 presidential election, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) explained nearly 400 absentee polling stations were readied abroad - an unprecedented number so Russian nationals in other countries can vote in 356 cities in 90 countries.

MZ: "For the first time in the history of organizing voting abroad, polling stations have been set up at popular tourist destinations, such as Goa (India), Phuket and Pattaya (Thailand), Sousse (Tunisia), and Hurghada (Egypt)." 

"We will take visiting polling stations to other holiday destinations, such as Bali (Indonesia), Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt), and Phu Quoc Island (Vietnam)."

"Absentee voting stations have been set up at Bushehr (Iran), Ostrovets (Belarus), Guayaquil (Ecuador), Santa Cruz (Bolivia) and Vung Tau (Vietnam) at camps hosting our specialists working at major foreign industrial sites related to construction of nuclear power plants, oil production, and others. The production workers will have access to absentee voting stations in Angola, Algeria, Bangladesh, Venezuela, India, Iraq, China, Oman, Sudan and Turkey."

Arrangements were made for Russian citizens to vote throughout Europe and elsewhere.

America's sham process permits mail-in absentee paper ballots alone, obtainable by properly filled out applications, considerable procedural variations among the 50 states, one of countless US electoral flaws - why democracy in America is pure fantasy, not the real thing.

Conflict resolution in Syria remain unattainable. America's presence in the country along with US-supported terrorists haven't let up pursuing regime change.

Russia so far refrains from confrontation with US forces. Is it inevitable given Washington's intention to occupy Syrian territory indefinitely - continuing to terror-bomb civilians, destroy vital infrastructure, and support terrorists as imperial foot soldiers?

MZ: "(N)ot only have some of our Western partners (sic) failed to denounce (terrorists') activities, but they even did what they could to cover up and justify them, jumping at the opportunity to seize the initiative from Russia and continue carrying out their self-serving geopolitical plans, which have nothing to do with the interests of the Syrian people."

Western countries aren't Russian "partners." Washington created and supports the scourge of terrorism in Syria and elsewhere it pretends to oppose.

"(N)obody so far presented conclusive evidence that Damascus used chemical weapons," MZ explained, adding: 

"This can be seen, among other things, from recent statements by head of the US Department of Defense James Mattis, who publicly admitted that Washington had no evidence to prove this."

"All accusations made to this effect are based on falsified evidence from militants and certain 'volunteers' from among the notorious (al-Qaeda-linked) White Helmets, who were many times caught distributing fake videos." 

"The latest one that is being hyped now on the internet is a fake new 'chemical attack by (Damascus)' using chlorine in the village of Al Shifunia. At the same time, reports of the use of toxic agents by extremists are being ignored."

That's how propaganda works, victims accused of crimes committed against them, media scoundrels proliferating disinformation, truth and full disclosure excluded from their reports.

MZ: "The shelling of the capital of Syria never stops, killing innocent people every day. According to the Damascus health department, 32 civilians were killed and over 200 wounded over the last few days" alone. 

US-supported terrorists are responsible for what's going on, along with preventing East Ghouta residents from leaving for safe haven protection in government-controlled areas.

Syrian and allied forces, together with Russian airpower continue combatting US-supported terrorists. 

Washington and its rogue allies continue waging endless war of aggression for regime change and destruction of Syrian sovereignty.

Western media suppress what's going on - featuring disinformation, Big Lies and fake news instead.

It's why most Americans are unaware of the high crimes committed by their government, liberating millions of defenseless civilians of their lives for decades - by war, related violence, untreated diseases in conflict zones, deprivation and starvation.

It's the longstanding American way since the republic's inception.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


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