Distortion of Comey's Prepared Remarks by NYT Editors

Written by Subject: MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Distortion of Comey's Prepared Remarks by NYT Editors

by Stephen Lendman

Comey's prepared remarks, published in advance of his Thursday Senate Intelligence Committee testimony, contained no bombshells. 

There was no evidence of Trump interference with ongoing FBI investigations in their face-to-face or telephone conversations, nothing remotely suggesting obstruction of justice.

Not according to deplorable NYT editors, as expected - creating a scandal where none exists, outrageously saying Comey's remarks "tell a shocking story."

The claim is a bald-faced lie, typical Times distortion of reality, turning it upside down.

Times editors: From his inauguration to the present, "Trump made multiple attempts…to interfere with the FBI's investigations into contacts between Mr. Trump's former national security adviser and the Russian government, as well as a broader inquiry into the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russian efforts to swing the 2016 election to Mr. Trump."

FALSE! Comey's remarks indicate no interference by Trump with agency investigations.

Comey quoted him saying "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go" - referring to the Michael Flynn investigation, nothing suggesting his contacts with Russian officials were improper or criminal.

Comey said he "understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December." 

He "did not understand the President to be talking about the broader investigation into Russia or possible links to his campaign."

Trump asked him if he'd move the Russia investigation along to "lift the cloud," impairing his ability to do his job.

Comey said the investigation is moving as quickly as possible, telling Trump he's not being investigated.

Comey's remarks amount to much ado about nothing. Times editors blasted Trump irresponsibly for commenting on Comey's sacking, saying "(w)hen I decided to just do it, I said to myself…this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story."

He's dead wrong on lots of things, not this one. The "Russia thing" is part of a plot to remove him from office - a witch-hunt "made-up story," as he explained.

Times editors: "(T)he White House is led by a man with no respect for the established barriers between politicians and law enforcement."

Fact: What rubbish! Media scoundrels led by The NYT have no respect for truth-telling, mocking journalism the way it's supposed to be - bashing Trump gratuitously for the wrong reasons, not the right ones.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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