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Israel Threatens Hezbollah and Hamas

Written by Subject: Israel

Israel Threatens Hezbollah and Hamas

by Stephen Lendman

US and Israeli belligerence is the Middle East's gravest threat. Imperial wars rage in multiple countries, likely more planned.

On Sunday, IDF chief of staff General Gady Eisenkott accused Hezbollah of "gearing up with advanced weaponry and deploying for aggressive action from the towns and villages south of the Litani" river.

"We see a clear address for the next war: Lebanon and the 'terrorist organizations' (sic), which are given free rein and full permission to operate from that country."

Headed by Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah is part of Lebanon's government, holding seats in parliament and cabinet positions.

It poses no threat to Israel or any other countries. It's militarized for self-defense, facing a serious threat from Israel and America.

Hamas faces a similar threat. Israeli terror-bombing and cross-border incursions into Gaza three times since December 2008 exploded into full-scale war, more Israeli aggression likely planned.

On Monday, Shin Bet head Hadav Argaman lied, saying ahead of the April 10 - 18 Passover period, "there is no doubt that terrorist infrastructures, mostly the established one, and specifically Hamas, will try to agitate the area and carry out attacks."

Fact: "There is no doubt" that Hamas plans no attacks - not now, not earlier or ahead. It responds to Israeli aggression, its right under international law.

Argaman: "The terrorist infrastructures of Hamas and the global jihad are working every day to carry out terror attacks within the State of Israel."

Fact: No evidence supports his claim. Palestinians are consistently blamed for Israeli high crimes. Were Argaman's comments hinting of more planned Israeli aggression - Gaza and/or Lebanon likely targets, along with escalated Israeli involvement in Syria?

On Monday, extremist Israeli UN envoy Danny Danon criticized his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Jaafari for calling weekend Israeli attacks on Syrian territory "terrorist operations," saying:

"Israel will continue to defend its citizens and will act against any attempt to harm them" - signaling more Israeli "terrorist operations" to come. 

Preemptively attacking the territory of another country flagrantly violates international law. It's longstanding US/Israeli practice, both countries guilty of the supreme crime against peace - over and over again unaccountably.

Jaafari said "Syria's forceful response to the Israeli attacks changed the rules of the game" - referring to Russia strongly dressing down Israel's ambassador to Moscow (more on this below), along with strong statements by Iran and Hezbollah.

Washington, Britain and France rejected a proposed Russian statement condemning Israel's weekend attacks on Syrian territory. Moscow accused them of lacking political will to help resolve six years of conflict diplomatically.

The new US administration is like the last one, pursuing endless wars, rejecting peace. Israeli war minister Avigdor Lieberman indicated Israel will attack Syrian territory again, saying "we will do what we have to do."

On Sunday, the IDF mobilized large number of reserves, coincidentally with the start of a major home front military exercise. Is Israel preparing for more war on Gaza and/or Lebanon?

Twice over the weekend, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov summoned Israeli ambassador to Moscow Carey Koren, warning him against further attacks on Syrian territory.

Will Russia intervene against Israel if they continue? With Trump escalating conflict in northern Syria, is confrontation with Moscow more likely?

Is Syria now a more dangerous flashpoint for regional war involving Iran and Lebanon?

After two months in office, Trump's geopolitical agenda shattered hopes for peace taking precedence over endless wars.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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