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What Obama's Farewell Address Won't Say

Written by Subject: Obama Administration

What Obama's Farewell Address Won't Say

by Stephen Lendman

On Tuesday evening, Obama will deliver his farewell address from Chicago, his adopted home city. He'll lie, deceive and misinform like he always does. 

He'll say nothing about arguably the most disgraceful eight years in US history. He betrayed the public trust from day one. 

No US president every promised more and delivered less. None ever took more credit for what demands denunciation, including high crimes without accountability.

None ever more served monied interests exclusively at the expense of beneficial social change. None was ever more deceitful, dishonest, untrustworthy, mendacious and wicked. 

His record of shame and ignominy speaks for itself - a rogue head of the most ruthless pariah state in world history, bent on global dominance no matter the cost in human lives and misery. 

His ruthless geopolitical agenda exceeded the worst of the Clinton co-presidency and Bush/Cheney. He terror-bombed seven countries, destabilized others, and replaced democracy in Ukraine with Nazi-infested putschists.

He orchestrated coups in Honduras, Paraguay and Brazil, supported Israeli wars on Palestine, and tried replacing Venezuelan democracy with fascist rule.

He enforced puppet rule in Haiti, continued Plan Colombia aid, responsible for massacres, disappearances and torture of regime opponents, along with instituting increasingly anti-Sino/Russia policies, risking confrontation with both countries.

Promising hope and change, he waged war on humanity at home and abroad. He institutionalized tyranny, thirdworldized America, banana republicanized it, wrecked the economy, handed its wealth to Wall Street, war-profiteers and other corporate predators.

He mocked democratic values and rule of law principles, governing under a police state apparatus, hardened throughout his tenure, waging war on fundamental freedoms. Law Professor Francis Boyle accused him of threatening global war.

He spied on Americans and others worldwide more aggressively than Bush/Cheney. He targeted whistleblowers, truth-tellers, Muslims, Latino immigrants, along with environmental and animal rights activists called terrorists.

He turned poverty into a growth industry, force-fed austerity under protracted Main Street Depression conditions, affecting most Americans while super-rich ones never had things better.

He waged class warfare throughout his tenure, creating mass unemployment, underemployment and human deprivation. Over 100 million working age Americans have no jobs. Most with them have rotten ones.

He turned US streets into battlegrounds, killer cops allowed to operate unaccountably. He destroyed decades of hard won labor rights, and increasingly commodified public education into another business profit center.

He heads America's Murder, Inc. agenda, appointing himself judge, jury and executioner, deciding who lives or dies, US citizens as vulnerable as foreign nationals. 

His drone wars largely kill defenseless civilians threatening no one. He spent trillion of dollars on mass slaughter and destruction while vital homeland needs go begging.

Complicit with America's intelligence community, mainly the CIA, he lied claiming Russian US election hacking - knowing DNC/John Podesta emails were internally leaked, no Russian involvement whatever.

He devoted his final days in office to committing as much more mischief as possible before departing.

His legacy of shame will remain part of the historical record long after he's gone - his high crimes against humanity never forgotten or forgiven.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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