NYT Falsely Claims Hillary's Emails Weren't Damaging

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

NYT Falsely Claims Hillary's Emails Weren't Damaging

by Stephen Lendman

Daily WikiLeaks dumps of Hillary's emails reveal her disturbing polar opposite public and private views on major issues.

They show she's a pathological liar, a pay-to-play influence peddler in return for large Clinton Foundation donations, earning millions of dollars in supportive Wall Street speeches, and disturbing information on how horrifically she'll govern as president - entirely different her campaign posturing.

Disgracefully claiming Russia hacked Hillary's emails "to influence the presidential election" despite no evidence suggesting it, Times editors discounted their importance, saying none…so far seem particularly harmful to Mrs. Clinton."

Absurdly claiming "she has nothing to hide," The Times claimed "(f)uller disclosure would clearly have helped her when it came to her lucrative speeches to Wall Street…"

Saying they largely discussed "incentivizing growth and spurring entrepreneurship" suppressed her one-sided support for Wall Street banks and other financial interests at the expense of Main Street.

She barely stopped short of threatening China with war, saying "we're going to ring (the country) with missile defense (for offense). We're going to put more of our fleet in the area. You either control them, or we're going to have to defend against them."

She expressed support for no-fly zone implementation in Syria, an act of war if imposed, risking military confrontation with Russia.

She lied about US post-9/11 policies "ke(eping) us safer." She left no doubt about the major threat to world peace, stability and security she poses as US president.

On October 20, Judicial Watch (JW) released "email correspondence between (Hillary) and Gen. David Petraeus" when he headed CENTCOM, saying:

"If there is ever anything you need or want me to know, pls use this personal email address" - hr15@att.blackberry.net…

JW president Tom Fitton commented, saying "(i)t's now clear why (Hillary) deleted or withheld so many (emails), and why (she) didn't recall or declined to answer questions about her email security" under oath, in response to judicially approved JW questions.

"And her request to Petraeus while he was the Commander of the United States Central Command to communicate with her solely at her unsecure email address shows (her) willful negligence in handling national defense information."

Times editors saying if she "had done her own giant information release (including texts of her highly paid speeches to Wall Street and other special interests) by now, everyone would have long since moved on ignores major scandal surrounding the Clintons they want suppressed.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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