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Is Russia Finally Admitting Negotiating with America is Futile?

Written by Subject: Russia

Is Russia Finally Admitting Negotiating with America Is Futile?

by Stephen Lendman

Not quite, but any rhetorical shift in the right direction is welcome, Russia's tone changing. Maybe policy measures will follow. More on this below.

Anyone knowledgeable about its sordid history knows America negotiates in bad faith, saying and agreeing to one thing, intending something entirely different - never compromising on its imperial priorities.

Interviewed over the weekend on Russian television, Sergey Lavrov called Sunday's emergency Security Council session, convened by America, Britain and France, an attempt to distract attention from US warplanes massacring Syrian forces a week earlier.

During a Security Council ministerial meeting and International Syria Support Group (ISSG) sessions, "(t)he Syrian government and we were accused of all sins and all answers regarding the accusations" made, said Lavrov.

"We can only guess why it was necessary to convene the urgent meeting during the weekend. I think it is not difficult to guess. It is evident that the West led by the US does not cope with its obligations. (Sunday's session was) "to distract the attention from the bombing near Deir ez-Zor. We will demand the most thorough investigation."

Lavrov is clearly frustrated by years of futile dealings with his US counterparts, especially Hillary and John Kerry, duplicitous figures, accomplishing little. He's been Russian Foreign Minister for over a decade, serving with distinction.

"…Kerry keeps saying that Jabhat Al-Nusra poses the same terrorist threat as the Islamic State (ISIS). But Nusra remains untouchable," Lavrov stressed, failing to explain so does ISIS, Washington and its rogue allies supporting these terrorist groups and all others.

"That I cannot trust (America) 100% is for certain," he said. Along with Britain, France and other rogue allies, it's "mov(ing) the goalposts…(T) United States (isn't) an impartial co-chair of the ISSG. It brings the grist to one mill." Its imperial priorities alone matter.

Pro-Western UN Syrian envoy Staffan de Mistura is no better, said Lavrov, saying "(w)e are being told if there is stable truce in the whole territory of Syria, if it lasts, and if all obstructions to the delivery of humanitarian aid are lifted, then the political process will begin."

"The so-called Supreme Commission for Negotiations (Saudi Arabia's High Negotiations Committee comprised of anti-Syrian terrorist groups) has inconspicuously torpedoed intra-Syrian talks since May."

"Sadly, the special envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, caters to their interests" instead of doing his job responsibly for diplomatic conflict resolution.

Despite consistent failure to resolve years of conflict diplomatically, Lavrov said Russia remains committed to agreements reached. Washington breached them straightaway.

Separately, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called ceasefire "ineffective," terrorists using it "for regrouping, replenishing their arsenals, for apparent preparation and carrying out their offensive."

He blasted US and UK rhetoric on Syria as "unacceptable," making conflict resolution less attainable than already, along with "caus(ing) great harm (to) bilateral relations."

Interviewed on state owned and operated BBC, UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson featured Big Lies like his predecessor, showing no change in British geopolitical policy - disgracefully calling Russia "guilty of protracting" war in Syria, "making it far more hideous," practically accusing it of war crimes, ignoring his own country's culpability, complicit with Washington, two rogue states committed to endless wars of aggression.

It's unclear what diplomatic path Russia intends taking ahead. It seems clear it intends combating terrorist fire with greater fire - hopefully sustaining and escalating it for as long as it takes to eliminate this scourge.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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