Scandalous US Russia Bashing Heading for War

Written by Subject: Russia

Scandalous US Russia Bashing Heading for War

by Stephen Lendman

Few Americans know a neocon criminal cabal in Washington, supported by media scoundrels, is heading things toward possibly waging nuclear war on Russia - unthinkable madness if launched, threatening life on earth.

US-dominated NATO provocatively militarized Eastern Europe near Russia's borders. Washington replaced democratic governance in Ukraine with Nazi-infested putschists, arming and using them as a dagger threatening Russia's heartland.

Its Eastern European missile defense system is solely for offense, potentially armed with nuclear warheads, targeting Russia.

Illegally imposed US and European sanctions target its officials and businesses, solely for political reasons, part of Washington failed scheme to marginalize, weaken and isolate Russia.

Putin is disgracefully compared to Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Longstanding US plans call for replacing Russia's sovereign independence with pro-Western puppet governance - by color revolution or war.

Russia is irresponsibly blamed for hacking DNC emails, showing election-rigging for Hillary during primaries, maybe enough to steal the Democrat nomination from Sanders. Will electoral theft again be used in November to assure she succeeds Obama?

The neocon Washington Post shamelessly accused Russia of hacking Colin Powell emails, despite no evidence suggesting it - WaPo saying unidentified "analysts have linked (the hacking) to the Russian government."

The FBI is investigating a nonexistent Russian "digital campaign" to undermine America's political process. How could digital geniuses anywhere possibly subvert or otherwise compromise a system too debauched to fix?

Powell's emails were posted by DCLeaks on its web site. Individuals running it call themselves "American hacktivists who respect and appreciate freedom of speech, human rights and government of the people" - polar opposite US policy and what media scoundrels like WaPo support.

America represents the greatest ever threat to world peace, stability and security. Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin minced no words, saying "(w)e know what countries caused destabilization in the Middle East, starting with the invasion of Iraq." 

"We know who caused destabilization in Northern Africa with the invasion of Libya," clearly indicting US-led aggression.

Churkin blasted Obama for comparing Putin with Saddam Hussein, calling his remarks "absolutely absurd," adding Russia should concentrate on "problems at hand" despite irresponsible comments from demagogues like Obama.

Various US politicians and military officials disgracefully call Russia America's leading national security threat, a scandalous perversion of truth.

America continues pushing the envelope recklessly toward what appears to be inevitable confrontation between the world's dominant nuclear powers. 

All bets are off if launched. Humanity holds its breath fearing the worst, perhaps certain if Russia-hating Hillary succeeds Obama.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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