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Putin Spokesman on US Russophobia

Written by Subject: Russia

Putin Spokesman on US Russophobia

by Stephen Lendman

Longstanding US relations toward Russia are hostile, regime change Washington's ultimate goal by color revolution or war.

Russian officials referring to America as Moscow's partner belies adversarial reality - evident in numerous provocative ways, heading inevitably toward eventual confrontation. 

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented, expressing concern about how US officials play the "Russian card" disparagingly, notably during this year's political season.

"Unfortunately, we see the continuing manifestation of such a blatant Russophobia. We can only express regret here," said Peskov.

Moscow sees the "Russian card and the card of our president becom(ing) almost a decisive one in the US electoral process," he added. "But it would be more pleasant for us if this card played such a role in a positive way."

Hillary earlier disgracefully called Putin another Hitler. Obama last Sunday despicably compared him with Saddam Hussein. Peskov said wrongfully claiming Russia is undemocratic, suppresses freedoms, and imprisons nonbelievers maintains an atmosphere of mutual distrust. 

This type rhetoric "hardly helps the shy and very fragile attempts of establishing mutual understanding to be successful," he explained.

It's unattainable because Washington needs enemies to advance its imperium, inventing them because none exist.

Most Americans are so easily distracted, uninformed and dismissive, they have no idea how badly they're treated, consistently lied to, and placed in greater harm's way than ever before in US history.

Instead of defending their interests responsibly, they fail to grasp the gravity of the situation despite warning signs hard to miss.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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