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Trump on the Right Side of History Calling Friendly US/Russia Relations a Good Thing

Written by Subject: Russia

Trump on the Right Side of History Calling Friendly US/Russia Relations a Good Thing

by Stephen Lendman

Major benefits are obvious, including:

peace, not confrontation, leading to eventual war between the world's two dominant nuclear powers;

A safer more fit world to live in;

increased trade helping both economies; and

mutual cooperation in dealing with current disputes hostile relations leave unresolved.

Two new NYT reports blasted Trump's position, deplorably denigrating him and Russia. Participating in Wednesday farcical NBC News presidential forum, moderated by an entertainer, not a journalist, he expressed support for US/Russia unity in combating terrorism.

He praised Putin as "a leader…far more than our president has been." He's the world's preeminent advocate of peace and stability, America its leading belligerent.

"If we have a (normal) relationship with Russia, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could work together on it and knock the hell out of ISIS," Trump said on Wednesday.

To Russia with no love is longstanding US policy, a confrontational position risking eventual nuclear war. "(W)ouldn't it be wonderful" to have a US president who wants peaceful relations with Russia and all other nations.

The Times called Trump's outreach to Russia his "extraordinary embrace of (its) president," praising his leadership, denigrating Obama's, supporting America's main adversary, quoting "trigger-happy Hillary" as he calls her, saying:

If elected in November, he'll be a Putin tool, "let(t)ing (him) do whatever (he) wants to do and then make excuses for him."

The Times considers his outreach to Russia "unpresidential." It supports war, not peace - why it one-sidedly backs Hillary.

It long ago lost credibility, proliferating misinformation and Big Lies, suppressing hard truths on major issues, supporting America's ruthless imperial agenda, betraying its readers deserving better.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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