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Riyadh Terror-Bombs Iran's Yemeni Embassy: A Willful Act of War

Written by Subject: WAR: About that War

Riyadh Terror-Bombs Iran's Yemeni Embassy: A Willful Act of War

by Stephen Lendman

Press TV cited Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jabari Ansari, saying Saudi warplanes "deliberately" bombed his nation's Sana'a, Yemen embassy - defying international law, flagrantly violating the immunity of all diplomatic missions worldwide.

"Iran holds the government of Saudi Arabia responsible for this act and wounding of a number of embassy staff and damages made to its building," Ansari stressed.

Make no mistake. Targeting Tehran's embassy was a willful belligerent act. Yemen is Obama's war, planned, orchestrated and initiated in Washington, using Riyadh and its rogue allies to do its dirty work - supplying them with precision terror weapons, selecting targets to be struck. 

Did Washington OK Riyadh's strike on Iran's embassy? Despite last year's nuclear deal, it maintains longstanding hostile relations - readying to impose new illegal sanctions for bogus reasons, flagrantly violating Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) terms.

Does Obama want greater Middle East war and chaos than already? Was agreeing to JCPOA principles no remedy for endless hostility toward the Islamic Republic, perhaps intending repeated provocative acts of belligerence, complicit with regional partners - Israel itching for war on Iran?

The attack on its Sana'a embassy occurred overnight Wednesday, hugely escalating regional tensions. The facility was damaged, several of its guards wounded.

On Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused Riyadh of "adding fuel to the fire" throughout months of nuclear talks. Like Israel and Saudi Gulf State partners, it wants Iran kept isolated, perhaps intending repeated provocative attacks, risking war on the Islamic Republic.

A recklessly conceived agenda may embroil the entire region in conflict - Washington's dirty hands directly involved, more evidence of its pure evil with no intention of normalizing relations with Iran.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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