Russia and America: Competing Strategies on Terrorism

Written by Subject: TERRORISM

Russia and America: Competing Strategies on Terrorism

by Stephen Lendman

Each nation has polar opposite objectives. Russia is committed to combating the scourge of ISIS and other takfiri terrorist groups - its Syrian campaign remarkably successful in a few short months, intending continued operations until its objectives are accomplished.

Washington supports the scourge it claims to oppose, failing to strike terrorist targets in well over a year of Iraqi and Syrian bombing, supplemented by covert ground operations, infrastructure and government positions alone hit.

Media scoundrels perpetuate the myth of America's war on terror, repeating official Big Lies and misinformation, ordinary people unaware of how they're betrayed.

When I occasionally explain these things to people I meet, glazed eyes follow, Americans hopelessly uninformed and indifferent - letting Washington get away with mass murder and much more.

The United States of America is the world's lead enemy of peace, stability and security. Yet most people haven't a clue, perhaps believing purveyors of ugly hard truths are nuts, maybe unpatriotic, surely wrong in their assessments, despite clear evidence proving otherwise.

Russia's Syrian anti-terrorist campaign is awesome, daily pummeling of ISIS and other terrorist targets - 121 sorties in the last 48 hours alone, smashing 424 targets, according to its Defense Ministry, with photographic evidence supporting its claims.

Careful intelligence assessments and planning precede aerial strikes. One target was "constantly surveyed from the air for two days," its Ministry said, ahead of destroying a building ISIS commanders used for a meeting after they arrived, one of many devastating blows inflicted.

Moscow is irresponsibly accused of killing civilians and striking non-terrorist targets - despite no credible evidence proving it, malicious propaganda substituting. 

Russian Air and Space Forces head Col. General Viktor Bondarenk categorically said "(n)ot a single time did my pilots hit any 'no-go' sensitive targets, such as schools, hospitals, mosques" or residential areas. Claims otherwise are willful lies.

America's campaign is polar opposite, supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups vital to eliminate - their viability dependent on outside support. Without it, they'd gradually wither and fade away.

After months of conflict and stiff resistance, Iraqi forces recaptured Ramadi this week, seizing the government complex in the city's center, ISIS' last stronghold in the area. 

Pockets of resistance continue being encountered, Iraq's military solidifying its hold on the strategic city, intending a campaign to retake Mosul and surrounding areas, freeing them from ISIS and illegal Turkish troops.

Ahead of Ramadi's liberation, Fars News reported a US plot to rescue ISIS commanders from the city, quoting Imam Khamenei Battalion commander Haider al-Hosseini al-Ardavi, saying:

"The delay in operations to liberate Ramadi and Fallujah cities in al-Anbar province is the result of the US interference."

"It seems that the US intends to evacuate the ISIL terrorist group's infamous ringleaders secretly (with helicopters) from Ramadi to unknown places."

Washington wants its investment protected. Good commanders aren't easily replaced, including its own elements and Israeli ones actively aiding ISIS on the ground - part of longstanding US war on humanity.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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