More War on Libya Ahead?

Written by Subject: Libya

More War on Libya Ahead?

by Stephen Lendman

A splintered nation reeling from devastating 2011 US-led naked aggression faces the prospect of more war - opposite of what it needs to begin healing.

America, Britain and France are preparing to intervene on the phony pretext of combating ISIS' new stronghold in Sirte, aiming for greater territorial control - despite elements of rival Tripoli/Tobruk groups opposed.

Tripoli Prime Minister Khalifa Ghawi led a ministry delegation to Moscow. He met with Sergey Lavrov and other Russian officials, after the meeting, saying:

"We have asked the international community, and first of all, Russia, an important country helping the Libyan people, to confront terrorism and radicalization, to provide logistical and military support in the fight against terrorism. The Russian response was that they were ready to help any country" combat a common scourge.

Libya remains in turmoil following Obama's 2011 aggression. Rival Tripoli/Tobruk elements agreeing to unity governance changes little on the ground.

Numerous tribal groups were excluded from their deal - shaky at best as most internal political and military elements oppose it. Local issues and concerns were ignored.

Gridlock and turmoil gives ISIS room to expand its presence in Libya beyond its Sirte stronghold, aiming to control its valued oil fields.

US-led foreign intervention may proceed on the phony pretext of aiding the new Government of National Accord (GNA) combat ISIS.

Most Tripoli and Tobruk politicians as well as groups excluded from the deal oppose it - calling it US-led foreign intervention, Libya's fate since 2011.

On Wednesday, Security Council Resolution 2259 passed unanimously, recognizing GNA as Libya's legitimate government -  formally agreed to by members of both rival sides on December 17. 

At the same time, only 80 of 188 lawmakers from Libya's internationally recognized Tobruk parliament and 50 of 136 members of the rival Tripoli-based General National Congress approved the deal.

It calls for a 17-member government, headed by businessman Fayez el-Sarraj as prime minister, based in Tripoli. A presidential council would serve for two years until new legislative elections are held.

Once officially installed, the new government may request international help in combating ISIS and other terrorist groups, notably military intervention involved cooperatively with Libyan ground forces.

Rival Tripoli-based Foreign Minister Abu Zaakouk said new unity governance may ask for Russian intervention against ISIS.

US-supported elements will try blocking it, perhaps paving the way to pressure the new government to seek Western help  - Libya 2.0 if launched, greater devastation to the war-torn country, aiding, not opposing ISIS.

Western endorsed Libyan UN ambassador Ibrahim al-Dabashi said he expects airstrikes involving US, UK, French and Italian warplanes.

Newly passed Security Council Res. 2259 "asks all countries to fight terrorism in Libya, which represents a clear-cut authorization only requiring of different countries to inform the government in Libya in advance, (get permission) and coordinate with it."

For the moment, things are on hold, perhaps through the holiday period. In January, Libya may face more war. Whether Western and Russian aircraft will be involved remains to be seen. 

Each side has polar opposite objectives. Moscow wants terrorism defeated. US-led NATO countries and rogue regional allies support the scourge they claim to oppose.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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