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US Phony War on ISIS Continues

Written by Subject: WAR: About that War

US Phony War on ISIS Continues

by Stephen Lendman

US policy continues supporting the scourge it claims to oppose - directly aiding ISIS and other takfiri terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, now getting a foothold in Libya and Central Asia.

Obama's claims otherwise are a Big Lie. Since America supported Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan (today's Taliban) against Soviet Russia, it spent countless billions of dollars recruiting, training, arming, funding and directing terrorist elements, used as proxy imperial foot soldiers where they're deployed.

Ignore high-minded administration and Pentagon rhetoric. Nothing suggests US policy changed - nothing interfering with its longterm goal.

It wants all independent governments replaced with US-controlled vassal states - especially Russia, China and Iran, no matter the cost in human lives and misery.

Supportive major media maintain the grand deception, suppressing rogue state policies demanding daily headlines and calls for responsible officials to be prosecuted for high crimes too grave to ignore.

Instead, they air video footage of Russia's anti-terrorism campaign, pretending strikes were carried out by US warplanes - where conducted, strictly avoiding ISIS and other takfiri targets unlike Moscow's commitment to destroy them.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said Moscow invited foreign journalists to view its Latakia, Syria operations firsthand.

"I have to stress that no-one has ever heard of the reporters' press-tours to the (US-led) anti-ISIS coalition's bases…(I)nternational TV channels are often using of the footage of Russian airstrikes to illustrate the airstrikes by the anti-ISIS coalition," Konashenkov explained.

He politely stopped short of accusing them of willfully deceiving their viewers. Last month, the US Public Broadcasting News Hour used Russian aerial strike footage, claiming they were US airstrikes, deliberately lying to viewers.

Pentagon claims about destroying ISIS targets, including trucks carrying stolen oil, are willful deception. No evidence supports them - in contrast with Russia, having photographic evidence of every strike, displaying it publicly.

US cable, broadcast and European television channels operate the same way - maintaining the fiction of US-led war on ISIS, instead of reporting accurately on what's ongoing.

At the same time, they regurgitate state-sponsored lies, maliciously claiming precision Russian airstrikes against ISIS and other terrorist groups are indiscriminate, killing civilians and phantom "moderates."

Konashenkov minced no words saying "(t)oday we are the only (military) in the world that has showed how we have hit terrorist targets with specified precision weapons from Russian planes and ships (surface and subsurface)."

The claimed US-led war on ISIS is pure fiction. No evidence supports Pentagon and administration reports. Syrian and Iraqi infrastructure and government targets alone are being struck - supporting, not opposing ISIS.

US intelligence knows their precise locations, including its media operations spreading online propaganda. In over a year of US-led regional airstrikes, not a single media operation was bombed - on the phony pretext of avoiding civilian casualties.

US-led NATO notoriously bombed Belgrade media in 1999, Iraqi media in 1991 and 2003, Libya media in 2011 - along with residential communities and other nonmilitary targets wherever America wages war, inflicting enormous numbers of civilian casualties, disgracefully called "collateral damage."

US wars since the beginning of the republic killed countless tens of millions of noncombatants - a horrific record of a ruthless rogue state, disdainful of human lives, public welfare and safety.

ISIS-run media operate in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Their locations are well-known, easy to destroy with targeted airstrikes, largely eliminating their propaganda war.

Their operations disseminate radical Islamic ideology worldwide, attracting new recruits. They should be prime targets to eliminate. 

They continue operating with US support, aiding its foot soldier allies, doing nothing to combat their scourge.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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