Fear-mongering Fast and Furious

Written by Subject: TERRORISM

Fear-mongering Fast and Furious

by Stephen Lendman

Most Americans are too uninformed, out-of-touch and indifferent to real threats they face, not phony headlined ones happening with increased frequency. 

They're easy marks for daily state-sponsored propaganda fed them, regurgitated by media scoundrels ad nauseam - turning a long ago respected profession into presstitution, destroying its credibility altogether.

State-sponsored Islamophobia rages by design. Virtually all instances of alleged threats or violent incidents are polar opposite how they're portrayed.

False flags are a longstanding US tradition, originating in the mid-19th century, 9/11 the mother of them all, San Bernardino the latest incident, Los Angeles on Tuesday the latest phony scare.

The LA Times reported it this way, headlining "Unprecedented school closures leave LA inconvenienced, annoyed but undaunted," saying:

An alleged bomb threat "turned out to be false, fear and confusion inevitably followed." Parents had their "workday routines thrown into turmoil…Some teachers made long commutes" for nothing.

Schools reopened Wednesday. City officials said the threat was "not credible." Why it was issued in the first place matters most. 

It has all the earmarks of false flag pretense - selling fear, part of a national strategy to enlist public support for escalated imperial wars, along with harsher crackdowns on fast disappearing fundamental freedoms.

The only terrorist threat Americans need fear is state-sponsored. Post-9/11, no other ones occurred on US soil. Official claims otherwise were Big Lies .

Innocent Muslim victims were falsely charged, prosecuted and imprisoned for alleged offenses they never committed or planned.

Unverified email threats were sent to public school officials on both coasts, arriving Monday night, claiming jihadists intended attacks with guns, bombs and nerve gas. Los Angeles alone shut down.

LA schools chancellor Ramon Cortiones told reporters at a 7:00AM Tuesday news conference he wasn't "going to take a chance with the life of a student."

New York school authorities dismissed the threat as a hoax. One major US city dominating Tuesday headlines was enough, likely ratcheting up public fear more than already, people wondering nationwide when the next shoe would drop, maybe near them.

Later on Tuesday, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti said "(w)e can now announce the FBI has concluded this is not a credible threat. It will be safe for our children to return to schools tomorrow."

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said "(w)e've come to the conclusion that we must continue to keep our school system open. (It's) very important not to overreact in situations like this."

The damage was done, hyped irresponsibly by media scoundrels, instead of urging readers and viewers to go on with their daily lives normally, stressing no credible threat exists.

Anyone viewing US cable television reports yesterday got virtually nonstop fear-mongering, scaring the public to believe in a nonexistent threat.

Actual incidents when occurring are false flags or ones unrelated to terrorism. Gun violence claims about 100,000 US lives annually, double that number of people injured. Cop killings this year exceeded 1,000.

The latest headline incident occurred in Los Angeles County last Saturday. Sheriff deputies lethally shot a defenseless Black man, based on fabricated reports about him acting erratically.

Video evidence indicated no threatening behavior. It showed a man, later identified as 28-year-old Nicholas Robertson, walking calmly away from police, murdered in cold blood from behind, more shots fired at his helpless body on the ground.

A loaded 45-caliber handgun found at the scene was likely planted by police - standard procedure nationwide to avoid culpability. Dead victims can't contest.

These type incidents happen multiple times daily across America, nearly always unaccountably. Black and Latino communities are victimized by state-sponsored violence - much like how Israel brutalizes the entire Palestinian population, including multiple daily cold-blooded executions since October 1.

Expect lots more incidents like Paris, San Bernardino and Los Angeles on Tuesday. Irresponsible fear-mongering is rife. 

Americans are being manipulated to accept what demands condemnation and rejection. It bears repeating. Their only threats are state-sponsored - no others.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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