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Turkey Concealed Its Oil Smuggling Complicit with ISIS

Written by Subject: TERRORISM

Turkey Concealed Its Oil Smuggling Complicit with ISIS

by Stephen Lendman

Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin accused Washington and Turkey of failing to inform the Security Council about ISIS trafficking in stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil.

It's required under SC Res. 2199, unanimously passed in February 2015, requiring "Member States to take steps to prevent terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria from benefiting from trade in oil, antiquities and hostages, and from receiving donations."

Churkin said Russia "got serious complaints" about SC Res. 2199 violations. "(T)he Americans had to provide (required) information, and of course Turkey…should have reported any illegal (oil and other banned) trade going on there. They didn't do it."

"We've just been to the Pentagon and two several star generals were telling us about (US-led) coalition actions. I asked them a very simple question." 

"You've been flying there for a year. We've been there for two months and already provided many photos showing that oil is smuggled through the Turkish border." 

"Didn't you know about it? (You) must have known, and if (so)  should have reported it to the Security Council," Churkin stressed.

Russia is involved in preparing a new Security Council resolution, "tightening regulations" on illicit oil and other banned trade. Churkin urged its adoption this week.

Russia has well-documented evidence of Turkish involvement with ISIS in "industrial-scale" transporting, refining and black market sales of stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil - Israel the main buyer, complicit with ISIS like Washington, Ankara and allied rogue states.

US international energy affairs coordinator Amos Hochstein lied, claiming "insignificant" amounts of stolen oil smuggled into Turkey for black market sales. The operation is huge, involving thousands of tanker trucks, generating around $8.6 million daily, according to Russian estimates.

Hochstein is complicit in Washington's coverup, part of its support for ISIS and other terrorist groups, along with Turkey and other rogue partners.

Separately, Washington pressured most Security Council member to reject a Russian draft statement, condemning a terrorist attack in Homs on Saturday, killing 22 civilians, injuring over 70 others.

ISIS claimed responsibility. The incident occurred near a hospital in Homs' al-Zahra neighborhood - after terrorists controlling the city for many months and Syrian officials agreed on a ceasefire, straightaway flouted, proving negotiating with ISIS and likeminded groups is futile. Defeating them alone matters.

Syria's Foreign Ministry sent letters to the UN Secretary-General and Security Council president, saying "continued silence over crimes of terrorists emboldens them."

Terrorist attacks "would not have happened without…generous support with money, weapons and ammunition to the terrorist organizations, as well as the political and media support provided by known countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar" - mostly from Washington.

On Friday, Security Council members condemned "in the strongest terms" a Kabul, Afghanistan attack near Spain's embassy. Because of US pressure, it ignored the Homs attack, the latest example of double standard hypocrisy. 

Silence = support for terrorism!

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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