Israel Wants $5 Billions US Taxpayer Dollars Annually for Its Killing Machine

Written by Subject: Israel

Israel Wants $5 Billion US Taxpayer Dollars Annually for Its Killing Machine

by Stephen Lendman

Former GHW Bush national security advisor Brent Scrowcroft once said former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon had GW Bush "wrapped around his little finger."

Sharon once told his foreign minister at the time Shimon Peres: "(D)on't worry about American pressure. We the Jewish people control America."

In 1973, then Senate Foreign Relations Committee J. William Fulbright said "(t)he Israelis control the policy in the Congress and the Senate."

Eisenhower's Secretary of State John Foster Dulles called it "impossible to carry out a (Middle East) foreign policy not approved by the Jews…terrific control (they) have over the news media…"

Most often what Israel wants it gets, especially anything military related, as well as reliable vetoes of Security Council resolutions critical of its policies.

Occasional rifts and disagreements between both nations don't matter. Obama once complained about having to work with Netanyahu daily. All is forgiven, including his all-out efforts to sabotage the Iran nuclear deal.

On November 9, he's coming to Washington. Hat in hand isn't his style, nor apologizing for deplorable actions.

He'll arrive while his security forces continue murdering, injuring, mass imprisoning and torturing Palestinians daily. Horror stories repeat endlessly - youths, young children and women slain with impunity, an entire population terrorized, held hostage to Israeli ruthlessness.

Expect no rebukes from Obama or other White House officials. Both nations support each other's high crimes. More important issues will be discussed - principally increasing annual US military aid. Netanyahu wants Israel's killing machine bolstered.

It now gets at least $3.1 billion annually plus additional amounts regularly for various programs on request. Netanyahu wants more, reportedly $5 billion annually for the next decade, after the current agreement expires in 2017 - a $50 billion package and lots more, especially the latest weapons and technology.

US taxpayers have no say over how their money is spent - largely for militarism, endless wars, corporate handouts, militarizing America, supporting Israel's killing machine and others operating the same way.

Obama and Netanyahu clearly dislike each other. At the same time, they want business as usual continued. It's been this way for decades. Expect no change now.

Even Netanyahu's choice for communications director (his public voice) Ran Baratz calling Obama "anti-Semitic" and John Kerry's mentality no better than a 12-year-old leaves relations unchanged.

America and Israel are fascist police states. The New York Times supports their worst high crimes. Its editors call it "in the strategic interests of both countries to find a way to work together more constructively" regardless of occasional disagreements.

A big issue to be discussed is a new military aid package, endorsed by Times editors, saying it's "a tangible sign of a continued American commitment to Israeli security that has become more important as Israeli concerns about Iran have grown."

Fact: Israel has no security issues. It hasn't had a regional enemy in over four decades. Invented ones alone exist.

Fact: Iran threatens no one, not Israel or any other nation. It's attacked none in centuries. 

Fact: America and Israel wage endless wars. Defunding their killing machines is the best way to stop them.

Times editors perpetuated the myth about Obama prioritizing a two-state solution throughout his tenure. His actions show he doesn't give a damn about Palestinian rights - including during flagrant summer 2014 Israeli aggression against Gaza and ongoing state terror throughout the Territories, saying Israel has a right to defend itself, and demanding Palestinians stop assaulting Israelis.

Both leaders "need to find a way to…work more collaboratively on…mutual concerns like the war in Syria and Iran's efforts to expand its regional influence," said Times editors - fully supporting their regional aggression and hegemonic aims, longstanding Times policy.

Both countries allied represent the greatest threat to world peace and security. Don't expect Times editors to explain.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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