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Israel Assaults, Kidnaps, and Kills Palestinian Journalists

Written by Subject: Israel - Palestine

Israel Assaults, Kidnaps and Kills Palestinian Journalists

by Stephen Lendman

Israel wants information about its war on Palestine suppressed - terrorizing an entire population, new killings reported daily since October 1 alone, thousands wounded or otherwise harmed, hundreds kidnapped and imprisoned, brutalized in confinement - supported by Arab-hating propaganda.

The Jerusalem Post disgracefully claimed "(c)ontinued attacks leave Israelis fighting for their lives." The Times of Israel headlined a Palestinian allegedly saying "I want to stab a Jew."

Haaretz and other Israeli media feature daily claims about alleged, mostly fabricated, stabbings of Jews by Palestinians - at the same time virtually ignoring Netanyahu's killing machine. Mass murder and extreme brutality against defenseless Arabs go unreported.

New York Times reporting on Israel/Palestine is notoriously biased. Its latest propaganda piece headlined "Jewish Man Stabbed in Israel as Acts of Violence Continue" - blaming Palestinians for premeditated Israeli high crimes, ignoring orchestrated state-sponsored violence and chaos.

In Berlin, Netanyahu met with John Kerry. He thanked US officials "for condemning the terrorist attacks against Israel, for standing up for Israel's right of self-defense…" - code language for blaming Palestinians for Israeli high crimes.

Kerry responded, saying "(w)e have to stop incitement. We have to stop the violence." In other words, Palestinians are entirely to blame for well-orchestrated Israeli state terror.

Journalists are prime targets. The Palestinian Center for Development & Media Freedoms (MADA) reported "around 39" Israeli attacks on journalists from October 1 - 12.

They're always vulnerable. Since Israeli reign of terror began this month, violations escalated exponentially - multiple times daily by soldiers, police and settlers, in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.

"A large number of journalists were severely injured as a result of (Israeli forces) shooting live bullets and rubber-coated steel bullets," said MADA.

Maan News photographer Rami Swiedan was struck by live fire in his leg while covering Israeli-instigated clashes near the Huwwara checkpoint.

Freelance journalist Ahmad Talat was severely wounded by a banned internally exploding dum-dum bullet. Al-Mayadeen TV correspondent Hana' Mahameed's face was burned by a stun grenade.

PalMedia cameraman Salah Ziyad was hit by live fire in the stomach. AP intern Ala' Daraghme's head was wounded by a rubber-coated steel bullet.

Numerous physical assaults occurred - Palestinian and international journalists targeted for doing their jobs, Israel wanting no record of its viciousness, especially photographic evidence.

Journalists are being viciously attacked. Press identification makes them vulnerable, photojournalists most of all.

They're being shot with live fire and rubber-coated steel bullets, beaten and otherwise assaulted. Jerusalem Media Center correspondent Bayan Ragheb Al-Jua'ba said an Israeli "special forces (soldier) beat (her) and tore (her) Jilbab off (a Muslim woman's coat)."

She was wrongfully accused of stabbing a Jew, explaining a photo she took circulated on Israeli web sites "with comments that I am the girl who committed the stabbing incident."

A settler wrote: "This is the vandal who stabbed the Jew yesterday in the old city of Jerusalem. There were 300 likes on his post and around 100 comments to seek revenge."

Israel, America and likeminded rogue states vilify and terrorize journalists exposing dark truths they want suppressed - ignoring Security Council Resolution 2222:

"Condemn(ing) all violations and abuses committed against journalists, media professionals and associated personnel in situations of armed conflict, and calls upon all parties to armed conflict to bring an end to such practices;" 

"Affirm(ing) that the work of a free, independent and impartial media constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society, and thereby can contribute to the protection of civilians;" 

"Recalling in this regard that journalists, media professionals and associated personnel engaged in dangerous professional missions in areas of armed conflict shall be considered as civilians and shall be respected and protected as such" at all times. 

Washington and Israel obey their own rules only, flagrantly violating all international laws, norms and standards.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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