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Two Reports Ignore Obama's Aggression on Yemen

Written by Subject: WAR: About that War

Two Reports Ignore Obama's Aggression on Yemen

by Stephen Lendman

Obama bears full responsibility for waging US-orchestrated, Saudi-led naked aggression on Yemen - raging nonstop for nearly five months with no end in sight, another horrific war crime on his rap sheet.

UNICEF and Amnesty International (AI) issued new reports omitting what's most important to explain.

UNICEF titled its report "Yemen: Childhood Under Threat," saying "nearly 400 children have been killed and over 600 others injured since the violence escalated some four months ago."

It began on March 25, nearly five months ago. Casualty figures reported way undercount reality. Total deaths by Saudi terror bombing, ground fighting, starvation, disease and overall deprivation can only be estimated - likely at least double official reports, maybe far more, along with many thousands injured, some maimed for life.

A humanitarian crisis of epic proportions exists nationwide. Over 80% of Yemenis are food insecure. People are starving to death out of sight and mind. Healthcare is unavailable or in short supply in most provinces.

UNICEF reported "(d)isrupted health services (hundreds of facilities shut down), increased levels of child malnutrition, closed schools and higher numbers of children recruited by fighting groups are among the effects of the conflict now ravaging the Arab world's poorest country." 

"This conflict is a particular tragedy for Yemeni children", said UNICEF's Julien Harneis. "Children are being killed by bombs or bullets, and those that survive face the growing threat of disease and malnutrition. This cannot be allowed to continue."

Around 10 million Yemeni children don't get enough to eat - 20 million overall, including youths and adults. Acute malnutrition reached epidemic proportions. Well over 1.5 million are externally or internally displaced.

UNICEF reports 900 hospitals and health facilities closed since March along with 3,600 schools. US supported Saudi blockade created a humanitarian crisis. Small amounts of aid only are allowed in - way too little to matter, a deliberate attempt to starve people to death or kill them for lack of medical treatment for wounds or diseases.

AI titled its report "Yemen: Bloody trail of civilian death and destruction paved with evidence of war crimes" - ignoring US/Saudi naked aggression, the supreme high crime against peace.

Yemenis face daily terror bombings - including against civilian neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, mosques, food storage areas, shelters and other nonmilitary targets.

Saudi-recruited death squads, its own forces and UAE's commit horrendous war crimes. Houthi fighters are defending their country against foreign invaders.

AI's Donatella Rovera holds both sides responsible for ongoing conflict - instead of laying blame where it belongs.

Saying "(a)ll the parties to this conflict have displayed a ruthless and wanton disregard for the safety of civilians. The report depicts in harrowing detail the gruesome and bloody trail of death and destruction in Ta'iz and Aden from unlawful attacks, which may amount to war crimes, by all parties." 

It ignores Obama's full responsibility for aggression complicit with Riyadh - to return Yemen to US client state status and give Saudi Arabia more influence over its southern neighbor, perhaps steal some of its territory.

AI is right accusing so-called "coalition forces" of (i)ndiscriminate attacks that result in death or injury to civilians amounting to war crimes."

It fails to explain Houthi fighters respond in self-defense against foreign invaders threatening Yemeni sovereignty. It's their fundamental right and responsibility.

No UN "commission of inquiry" is needed to "investigate alleged war crimes" when the whole world knows Washington, Riyadh and complicit partners bear full responsibility for horrific genocidal crimes against millions of defenseless Yemenis.

It's time AI and UN authorities laid blame where belongs and demanded responsible officials in culpable countries be held accountable for their high crimes.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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