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Updating Muhammad Allan's Status

Written by Subject: Israel - Palestine

Updating on Muhammad Allan's Status

by Stephen Lendman

A same day article explained he regained consciousness from four days of coma following over two months of hunger striking for justice Israel ruthlessly denies him.

Until earlier today, he was offered release conditional on accepting four years of forced exile. Through his lawyer, Jamil al-Khatib, he categorically refused.

Later on Wednesday, he was offered release on November 3 when his current extrajudicial administrative detention expires - along with a meaningless pledge not to imprison him again uncharged and untried.

Though conscious, his ordeal took a horrendous toll on him physically. His brother Ameed said he'll continue hunger striking for justice. "(E)ither I'll die or I'll return home," he said.

"I don't believe I saw a human being," Ameed explained. "He's not a human being. He's what's left of a human being. He doesn't hear. He doesn't see."

His mother refusing food in solidarity with her son, holding a vigil outside Barzilai Medical Center where he's held, said prison authorities won't let her visit Muhammad.

"They didn't let me enter," she explained. "In the name of what law in the world do they prevent a mother from visiting her son? They don't let me enter because I stand by his side in his just struggle." 

Palestinian Prisoners Club head Qadoura Fares said his critical condition requires immediate release.

"He stopped communicating with his surroundings," Fares explained. "He just stares. It seems like his brain has deteriorated."

Reports indicate his lawyers will decide whether to accept a November 3 release date based on a medical assessment of his status being prepared by his doctors.

Earlier Allan said through his attorney: "Administrative detention returns us to slavery, and therefore I refuse to be a slave to anyone. The truth is that I currently prefer hunger as long as freedom is the goal in the absence of law in Israeli courts. So, I found myself forced to fight this battle."

More updates will follow as news breaks.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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