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Sham Riyadh Peace Conference on Yemen

Written by Subject: WAR: About that War

Sham Riyadh Peace Conference on Yemen

Imagine a peace and reconciliation conference with one side alone involved. Hundreds of regional rogue state anti-Yemeni freedom representatives participated in a thinly veiled PR stunt. 

Houthis wanting Yemeni sovereignty respected refused to come. The conference has nothing to do with peace and stability - everything to do with continuing US-orchestrated naked aggression and lawless blockade trying to force rebels to surrender unconditionally.

Proceedings began on Sunday in Riyadh. Three days of talks are planned. UN envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed began things "call(ing) on all parties to refrain from any action that disturbs the peace of airports, main areas and the infrastructure of transport" - prime US/Riyadh targets.

Saudi terror-bombing and imported takfiri terrorists continue waging war on Yemen despite an agreed on 5-day truce to deliver humanitarian aid.

On Sunday, Sanaa was terror-bombed. Residential areas and civilian infrastructure were targeted. Yemen's northwestern Sa'ada province was hit.

Sahar, Marzaq, and Malaheedh regions were terror-bombed. So were Hajjah and Abyan provinces.

Aden is attacked daily. On May 12, Riyadh's announced truce began. Repeated violations followed. 

So-called peace and reconciliation talks reflect duplicitous cover for continued US-orchestrated/Saudi-led aggression.

On Saturday, Houthi Ansarullah media council member, Nasreddin Amer said "(w)e will not participate in the Riyadh conference under any conditions."

Its purpose is to make Yemen's political situation worse and more complicated, he added.

"The US has realized that the war on Yemen has had high costs and unachievable objectives."

Most casualties are civilians, including many women and children. Thousands of residential buildings and other nonmilitary targets have been damaged or destroyed.

Washington and Riyadh want illegitimate president Mansour Hadi restored to power. Most Yemenis oppose him.

Thousands have been killed or wounded so far - mostly civilians. Nearly half a million Yemenis are displaced, thousands more daily.

Human suffering is extreme. US/Saudi blockade prohibits enough humanitarian aid from reaching needy Yemenis.

US planned, orchestrated and directed genocidal war continues. Millions of Yemenis are at risk.

Obama may order war continued until he kills them all. Peace is a convenient illusion.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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