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Iranian Nuclear Deal Factsheet

Written by Subject: Iran

Iranian Nuclear Deal Factsheet

by Stephen Lendman

On Wednesday, Iran's Parliament released a factsheet on agreed on nuclear deal framework terms. It differs markedly from Obama's distorted version.

He proved he can't be trusted many times before. Again by betraying Iran.

On the one hand, by distorting and inaccurately reporting terms agreed on.

On the other, by selling out to bipartisan congressional hardliners, Israel and its Lobby. 

He effectively wrecked agreed on framework terms by giving Congress final say on agreement provisions if reached by June 30.

Chances for consummating a fair and equitable deal for all parties is virtually nil. It shouldn't surprise. Washington's notorious history shows its word isn't its bond. It can't be trusted.

Maintaining anti-Iranian policies matter more than responsible ones. Decades of US hostility continue. Expect no change regardless of how nuclear talks turn out.

Iranian Nuclear Committee head Ebrahim Karkhaneyee presented factsheet information below - based on Lausanne agreed on terms.

They provide for 190,000 SWUs (Separative Work Units) of nuclear fuel enrichment capability  to produce fuel for the Bushehr nuclear power plant as soon as contractual arrangements with Russia expire.

They preserve operations of Iranian nuclear facilities. They permit R&D "works and scientific and technological progress in Iran and immediate application of R&D findings in the country's industrial-scale uranium enrichment cycle."

They allow 10,000 centrifuge machines to operate at Natanz and Fordo facilities, "a maximum 5-year-long duration for the deal and for Iran's nuclear limitations, replacement of the current centrifuges with the latest generation of home-made centrifuge machines at the end of the five-year period."

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is limited to five years - during which uranium enrichment will continue "below the 5% grade."

Fordo will maintain UF6 enriched reserves - under IAEA supervision. They'll be converted to nuclear fuel "based on the existing capabilities."

During the five-year period, Iran "will continue to keep the excess centrifuges installed at Natanz and Fordo or will gradually dismantle them…"

After five years, it'll replace them with new generation IR-N centrifuge machines "with the help of the new spaces and infrastructures which will have been already prepared and will use them without any limitation."

Enrichment cycle "rules and limitations" should be established to let Iran supply nuclear fuel needed to operate its facilities legitimately.

Fordo will remain an enrichment and R&D operation. "Iran will maintain its capability to reverse its decision and restore (its legitimate peaceful) 20%-grade enrichment."

R&D activities will let Iran replace first generation centrifuges with the latest IR-N ones when JCPOA terms expire in five years.

"The R&D program should undergo no limitation before it comes into use for industrial-scale operation."

"Accordingly, the advanced centrifuges will enter the chain of nuclear fuel production without any restriction at the end of the 5-year deal."

Plutonium fuel produced by Iran's Arak heavy water reactor will be sent abroad - to ease concerns raised about its possible nuclear weapons use.

P5+1 countries must fully cooperate with Iran and "take the necessary measures for relevant international licensing and permissions."

Monitoring Iran's operations "should be carried out within the framework of the the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) safeguards agreements."

Iranian facilities unrelated to its nuclear operations are off-limits for inspections - especially military sites.

No nation (especially Washington and Israel) would let its military sites be inspected. Doing so would greatly compromise national security.

Inspections of Iranian facilities should be no different from what's demanded of other countries. Sovereign Iranian rights should be respected.

"Concurrently with the start of the JCPOA, all the US and EU sanctions will be terminated and Iran will start fulfilling its undertakings based on the verification of the IAEA."

All Security Council imposed sanctions shall be lifted immediately on consummating a final deal.

Relations with Iran should be normalized. P5+1 countries, other EU ones, and the Security Council "will avoid imposition of new nuclear-related sanctions…"

Iran cooperation with all other nations "in areas of building nuclear power plants, research reactors, nuclear fuel production, nuclear safety medicine and nuclear agriculture, etc. will be possible and will improve."

Based on JCPOA terms, Tehran will be granted unrestricted access to global markets, "finance and technical know-how and energy."

If either side violates agreed on terms, "reversing all measures" implemented remains possible.

At the end of an agreed-on five-year period, "all restrictions will be lifted and based on the Geneva agreement, the case with the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear program will be similar to that of the other NPT member states."

Washington's factsheet "caused fury in Iran, encouraging many to raise deep doubt about the results of the talks and US accountability and trustworthiness."

Likely congressional legislation Obama accepts is further proof of Washington's intent to undermine terms agreed on.

It bears repeating. Obama proved his word isn't his bond. Chances for a fair and equitable final Iranian nuclear deal is virtually nil.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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