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Satoshi Roundtable Re-Cap on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show

Written by Subject: Bitcoin

A small group of people involved in crypto currency and Bitcoin ?" CEOs, early adopters, VCs etc. met for a private retreat in the Caribbean this past weekend to discuss the future of Bitcoin.

Ernest Hancock, host of the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show,  will be interviewing several of the attendees of the Satoshi Roundtable, held  this past weekend on a Caribbean Island. Here is a list of guests.

Tuesday February 10th, 2015:

Hour 1 - Shawn Wilkinson - Founder and Lead Developer of Storj

Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Hour 2 - David Johnston - DApps Fund, Mastercoin, Factom

Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Friday February 13th, 2015:

Hour 3 - Erik Voorhees - Coinapult, BitInstant

Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Wednesday February 18th, 2015:

Hour 1&2 - Paul Snow - Texas Bitcoin Conference; Factom

Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Friday February 20th, 2015:

Hour 3 - Jeffrey Tucker - Author, Executive Editor of Laissez Faire Books, Chief Liberty Officer of, and fellow Foundation for Economic Education

Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Those who have responded and will be on the show (working on a time that will work):

Bruce Fenton - Consultant; Economic Advisor; President of the Bitcoin Associaton

Past Interviews on DYIwEH:


Those who have been contacted but have not yet responded to the interview request:

Vitalik Buterin - Founder Ethereum

Jason King - Sean's Outpost
Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Ira Miller - CEO Coinapult
Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Roger Ver - CEO of Memory Dealers
Past Interviews on DYIwEH: &

David Bailey - YBitcoin.Net
Past Interviews on DYIwEH:

Several more informed individuals in the Bitcoin space are constantly being added to this list for a full understanding of what is happening and why leading up to the
