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Update: Agenda 21

Written by Subject: United Nations
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Report from the Front Lines

A message from our President, Tom DeWeese:

Click here to view Tom DeWeese's latest video update

Hello Ernest,

The battle against the UN’s Agenda 21 and its policy of Sustainable Development is raging across the nation.

Here are just some of the latest actions.

There are now 10 communities that have officially rejected membership with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).

The latest to join these ranks are James City County, VA and Lexington, Virginia. There are several more communities across the nation on the verge of taking similar action.

I have just returned from an extensive 10 day tour of Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Montana where I spoke to enthusiastic audiences, was interviewed by the news media and met with several state legislators and county commissioners.

In the Washington state legislature, Rep. Matt Shay reports the creation of an anti-Agenda 21 Caucus.

In Oregon, I addressed a meeting of state legislators that was live streamed across the internet. Several legislators heard our message and expressed interest in taking action.

Of great significance, in Bonner County, Idaho, County Commissioner Cornel Rasor is working to establish a “Property Rights Council” as an official arm of the county government.

The council will oversee legislation to assure it does not violate property rights. In addition, it will train county staff to understand property rights and assure they are protected in all county business. This is a revolutionary proposal that must be implemented across the nation.

While I was traveling in Montana, word came that presidential candidate Newt Gingrich talked about Agenda 21 on the Sean Hannity radio show.

I had supplied the Gingrich campaign with that information after they contacted me. Apparently Mr. Gingrich and all presidential candidates are being pummeled with questions about Agenda 21. We need to increase that pressure.

Finally, in a surprise move, two bills (Assembly bill 303 and Senate Bill 225) have been introduced into the Wisconsin Legislature to allow local community government to repeal comprehensive development plans that were forced under smart growth legislation and the bill also eliminates the grant program that was set up to finance the smart growth planning.

These bills need support and more co-sponsors. And the legislation needs to be repeated in legislatures across the nation.

Agenda 21 is a disastrous transformation of American society to a planned central economic control that threatens every aspect of our lives.

Finally, Americans see the danger and are ready to learn more and take action to stop it.

The American Policy Center is a recognized leader in the battle to stop Agenda 21 and restore Constitutional controls on the power of government.

I’m doing everything I can to defeat Agenda 21. Please help me continue to lead this fight.

Your financial contribution of at least $20 will keep APC in the thick of this battle. We are beginning to move the rock of freedom uphill.

We succeeded in making Agenda 21 a national issue. With you help today we can stop Agenda 21 from destroying American freedom. Please help today.  

Click here to make a donation today.

Thank you for reading,

Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center

Tom DeWeese's Newswire:

Fed to monitor Facebook, Twitter to snoop on critics?  |  LA Times
"What they really want to do is to gather information on everyone that views the Federal Reserve negatively," wrote the Economic Collapse blog. "It is unclear how they plan to use this information once they have it, but considering how many alternative media sources have been shut down lately, this is obviously a very troubling sign." Is that a great understatement or what? Troubling. The political world has be roiling with troubling signs. The problem is that it is more than signs, regretfully. The actions of the Fed, EPA, President, and on and on are all going in the same direction -- taking us to hell in the proverbial handbasket. And what are we doing to stop it? 

A "Bold New World" and "Forces too Powerful"  |  News with Views
For those who think that what the world is going through is natural and not a scheme devised by a global elite, this piece by Dennis Cuddy should open some eyes. It is well documented and quite thorough. A quote from from an article by Toynbee in International Affairs states, “I will merely repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because to impugn the sovereignty of the local nation states of the world is still a heresy for which a statesman or a publicist can be—perhaps not quite burnt at the stake, but certainly can be ostracized and discredited.” The whole article has more quotes and notes to make the reader aware that there is a global elite and they are out to make us their slaves.

Edited by Kathleen Marquardt, Vice President 

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