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Declaration of Independence Road Tour Trap for more Election Vote Fraud and 2012 Elections

Written by Andrew Strmic Subject: Voting - Election Integrity

February 20th 2010 1 of 26 known original copies of the Declaration of Independence called Dunlap Broadsides printed on July 4th 1776 goes on display in Phoenix  at the Arizona State Capital Museum for one day between 8am -9am. 

Now this event is not what you would be led to think, it is not about inspiring people to think about the tyranny of government and standing up against your oppressors.   The bad guys have a plan; to use the Declaration of Independence to bring Teens under the control of the voting machines for 2012.  Young Teenagers must be taught to only participate expressing their ideas and feeling in a carefully preplanned system that robs them of liberty and choices all the while maintaining an illusion of choice and control.
Ernie Hancock's interviews Mary McGuire of DIRT 2003 Listen (here

This is nothing New under the Sun, and in 2003 the Lear Center founded by Norman Lear famous Hollywood Producer who paid 8.1 million for the historic document created the Declaration of Independence Road Trip touring the United States for 3 years.  In 2004, the Arizona Daily Wildcat reported
"the road trip back in Arizona while touring college campuses around the nation with Declare Yourself, a non-profit, non-partisan campaign formed to inspire youths on college campuses to vote."  This at a time when the controversy over fraudulent electronic voting machines which were being force on our state and nation wide, was on every ones minds.
How convenient that the Declaration of Independence Road Trip was about promoting voting and participating in a pirate system.  Mary McGuire (the Associate Director of DIRT) said "Declare Yourself also got students to participate in the event by having a mock voting survey. Students answered questions from touch-screen voting machines about candidates and issues that directly affect them." All this information about these students go into there Data Base and you bet that it will be used by someone to promote an agenda.  Political Organizations need Data Bases on people so they can target them with propaganda to gain support behind their agenda.

Mary McGuire was interviewed by Ernie Hancock in 2003 where Ernie said “. I have the opinion that the Declaration has about as much to do with voting as the 2nd Amendment has to do with duck hunting. I'll be asking how this effort was conceived, why and by whom, as a 'Get Out The Vote' campaign. And how in the heck did the touch screen paperless voting machines get put into the tour?” It is a very good interview and Mary McGuire all but admits to trying to be a historical revisionist to push Lear’s Vote Campaign.

So Hear we are now in 2010 and all the kids of 2003 are ready to vote in 2012 elections and watch out here comes Lear and his DIRT Vote Campaign, trying to sucker young Teens into inevitably joining one of the two crooked parties to trap them in the right vs. left paradigm.  

 “Still Voting”, as Ernie Hancock always says, how can trust pirate software and pirate voting machines with no paper trail.  The fix is in, and we are going to do something about it.

We plan to create a New updated Declaration of Independence version 2.0 to address not King George but our government.  No need to change the historic words on the document just the addressee.  We plan to hand out thousands of these to the public at the Arizona State Capital Museum along with Obama Deception and America from Freedom to Fascism DVD’s!  Including a reading of the modernized version of the Declaration of Independence!



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