Article Image Propaganda stinks when they drop toilet papers hanging on trees


Flashback In Red: Oct 31st-Nov 1st – How The Otherworld Gave Birth To Obama Regime

Written by Edwin Sumcad Subject: Humor

     This editorial appears in Sumcad's column at – a pleasant surprise to millions of piqued Americans, but not necessarily to Obamanites who worship the president more than God.

    In this parody, the Obama regime actually began on Sabbath Day when Light succumbed to Darkness.    

     Witches and warlocks met and conferred on their Sabbath Day with the Devil himself presiding, right at the eve of the Feast of All Saints Day, November 1st 2008.

     A week later, Obama became president.  

     If we have to give meaning to what Halloween night [which the nation had just observed a few evenings ago] is to America today, I would not hesitate to say out of a reasoning mind that humankind’s world of Darkness and Light came to a heads-up at the nth second of midnight between October 31st and November 1st.  The Underworld – also known as the Otherworld -- has to meet to review their evil strategy and plan a new one for their new year to come starting November 1st, for they couldn’t live and lose their meaning to humankind without wickedness the whole year round.

      Obama was elected president on November 11, 2008.  And yet his reign actually begun on October 31st – the day the Otherworld had cleverly decreed under the cover of a holy day … the Feast of All Saints Day, for Obama’s oratorical conjuring and deception to begin.

       Thus for the next four years, Americans will be facing the coldest winters of their life.

        Right or wrong, the economy is seen by millions as the Federal Reserve going kaput. Recovery is turning the nation upside down although from the dark side the accomplice Media is propping it up like France’s lifeless Joan of Arc mounted on horseback to deceive and frighten the enemy.  The war is fought not just in the battlefield but also in the mind.  That’s what Obama is good at in his everyday battle against those who stand in the middle of the road on the way to socialism.

      But what Americans fear the most for their lives is that they might not survived the coming depression that makes that of the 1920s like a puppyish reading for kindergartens. 

      On top of this economic fright night is this icy tingling of the spine that chills every frightened American into believing that Obama’s policy on terror, particularly his negotiation diplomacy with rogue countries like fundamentalist nuclear Iran and communist North Korea, leftist Nicaragua and Venezuela had, in fact, emboldened terrorists to strike again any moment of the day. And this surprise attack is expected to be more deadly than 911 because this time terrorists would use nuclear or biological weapons of mass destruction in their relentless effort to kill Americans and defeat America.

      This Halloween fear lurks in the heart of every American.  Under the Obama regime, what does this traditional Halloween tells us  actually and in figure of speech – a horrifying reminder of our frightening encounters with spiritual effigies, auguries about death, of bonfires to keep us warm under President Obama while we watch the sheep [threatened America] in the darkest cold night of winter. 

      We have to keep our bonfires alive, burning all night long for the needed warmth and light, for us to see the way and not just be nose-led in darkness straight to our impending doom -- just like what the likes of this editorial pulsate to our reading public to wake up every American from a bad dream.

      In the 17th century, bonfires in winter have a significant meaning.  When shepherds light their bonfires at the eve of winter, the fire was considered holy and sanctified for two reasons: (a) to protect the herd of animals in the darkest of winter, and the community from the claim of timeless darkness, and (b) to serve as a beacon that attracts and warms the heart for the year that just came out of October, the month of witches and warlocks.

     To me this means that we do not really live in limbo, in spite of this noisy bucket-kicking that the country is going nowhere.  In our personal time – and individually we ought to have it as mortals do -- we either live in the dark side or bright side of life.  Limbo means the time one lives with, which is neither here nor there and the world just hang unhinged. Where in fact time is, is in no man’s land.  But not in reality, which proves that even Obama and the Otherworld do not live in limbo.  They marked their own time, which begins and ends in a 12-month cycle, at midnight of October 31st… the dividing timeline between good and evil.

       In Literature’s poetry of evil and darkness as in Shakespeare’s shocking mockery of wicked governance, murderous ambition, lust, love and hate, trust and treachery like how he portrayed all these characterizations of heroes, heroines and villains in his famous tales of Macbeth, Othello and similar others, we begin the countdown of Obama’s reign to start seconds away from midnight of October 31st at Halloween.

       Politically and economically speaking, America enters an era of either light or darkness.  To millions of Americans Obama is either a “trick” or “treat”.  To most African-Americans, Liberal radicals and leftist ideologues, Obama is a “treat”, but to still millions of those other piqued Americans, they swear Obama is a “trick” that came from under, if not from another planet!

      As a long-standing American tradition, the nation had just celebrated Halloween, and children had a good time.  When the sun was down, like many ordinary Americans, my wife and I distributed with a ton of smile and goodwill if you will, a lot of candies to parents and the children who were with them, all wearing masks and donning all those kinds of horrifying costumes.  I couldn’t help but ask myself of this question – do Americans have to wear the most dreadful mask of a twisted-face monster that represents our dark side, to deserve a bucketful of candies?

     America needs to address this question with at least equally potent effect, or that any modern religion that hopes to prove relevant and useful, must address both the spark of Godhead and the Other within us.  For there lies the true meaning of Halloween, the thin line between Good and Evil, the vision of the afterlife versus the myopia of the here and now.

     Unfortunately, to many of us, Halloween is nothing more than just haunted ghosts and evil witches in their broomsticks flying off to commit evil. Because of this mistaken superficiality, I also once asked the question about how broom-riding witches answer the call of nature while airborne: Was not that probably the reason why too many used toilet papers end up in the trees instead of being flushed down the toilet bowl? Think of those stinking propaganda in the air. By just sheer magic, characters of Halloweentown do not need a bathroom, do they? 

     To my great disappointment comes this realization that to every traditional American, Halloween is simply the customary practice of lighting up flames inside of pumpkin heads or decorating pathways and halls with boughs of phony human bones and garlands of fake cobwebs … and who knows from whose mind did those cobwebs come from? Who knows those dusty ugly-looking spider webs in the porch could have come from the dangerous brain of drug-crazed Charles Manson or cannibal serial killer Jeffrey [Dimmer] Dahmer!

     Halloween should have reminded us long time ago since Americans had stopped riding the broomstick and started taking the supersonic Concord from Los Angeles to New York and back, that Halloween is a spark of Godhead and the Other within us.  We are not just the “Others” in the movie with a title of that name where Tom Cruise’s estranged wife appeared in an award-winning role.  We are not just living phantoms to ourselves, but also living ghosts to others.

     Do I enjoy celebrating Halloween? No doubt about it. On the 31st of October, I love to watch my grandchildren chasing each other when they become Batman and Robin, the Lady Cadaver, Spiderman or the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the Green Hulk or that handsome Jedi brandishing the laser-beam sword of Starwars. 

      But not anymore when on the Sabbath Day of October 31st 2008 the Underworld breathed life into this new regime, and like many hurting Americans, I woke up to a grim and painful reality.

      My greatest regret is, too many of us Americans have yet to learn the real meaning of Halloween beyond the façade of the macabre and the ghastly, and a bucketful of candies.

      We hardly realize that the catastrophic effect of this mistaken notion boggles the imagination … that’s how the likes of Obama become President of the United States! #


© Copyright Edwin A. Sumcad. Access November 03, 2009.


The writer is an award-winning journalist.  Know more about the author by reading his editorials and feature articles published in several websites or you may e-mail your comment to n 



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Comment by Psychictaxi
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I finally read one of your articles all the way to the end.