Article Image THE COMMON SENSE SHOW: Helping to save America, one listener at a time!



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Tonight, THE COMMON SENSE WITH DAVE HODGES hosts best selling author, Ralph Epperson. Epperson is famous for his best selling book, The Unseen Hand which details the control that the secret societies have over world governments and how they initiate tremendously undesirable intrusions into our daily lives. Ralph will further describe how these secret societies are well into the process of working in concert to bring about the demise of the American Empire and what our immediate future will likely consist of. The Unseen Hand is still in print after 24 years from the date of its first publication.

In the first half hour of the show, Dave will welcome Annie DeRiso as she presents her popular Under the Radar segment in which she reports  the unreported and the under-reported news that somehow escaped the purview of the mainstream media. Tonight Annie and Dave will be discussing the growing number of economists which are predicting an economic meltdown beginning this September. They will also be discussing Arizona’s new “Papers please” law (HB 2164) which is mandating the creation of a new vaccine data system. Medical researcher, and author, Pat Jordan, will be making a cameo appearance to discuss how the use of squalene in the H1N1 vaccinations poses a grave threat to the health to every American. Many researchers have linked squalene to the development of opportunistic auto-immune diseases emanating from forced anthrax vaccinations of our troops following Gulf War I.

Upcoming Guests

July 26  Jim Marrs will discuss who really built the pyramids and the Nazi control of our government. Jim likes to say “In WWII we defeated the German, but we did not defeat the Nazi’s and now they rule over us.”

August 2  Dave is on vacation and the network will replay the April 26th, 2009 replay of the H1N1 hoax interview with Dr. Rebecca Carley and the plan to implement forced vaccinations upon the American people which are unproven and dangerous.

August 9   Tim Ball, famed professor and author, debunks the man-made global warming myths and what motives really lie behind this pseudo science and what it will likely mean to our liberties and pocketbooks.

And of course, Annie DeRiso will continue bringing us timely unreported news events in her popular Under the Radar segment.

THE COMMON SENSE SHOW comes to on REPUBLIC BROADCASTING NETWORK and the producer of the Common Sense Show is Manny Quiroz.  



SUNDAY JULY 19, 2009


Broadcasting on



           9pm - 11pm Central DST