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Mandatory ammunition registration coming soon to a state near you.

Written by Subject: Gun Rights
The friends of fear are back and this time they want to make you register your ammunition, get rid of it or face fines and imprisonment.

Legislation has been introduced in 18 states requiring that all ammo sold be imprinted with tracking numbers, and that these numbers (and your identification) enter a state database when you buy it.

In Arizona, the legislation introduced into the house as HB 2833 and states that "beginning January 1, 2009, a manufacturer shall code all handgun and assault weapon ammunition that is manufactured or sold in this state" and that "beginning Janualry 1. 2011, a private citizen or a retail vendor shall dispose of all noncoded ammunition...".

So all that ammo people are stocking up on now will be illegal in 2011. That's 4 years from now.

To find out more about legislation in your state or a state near you, visit these folks. They are the ones pushing it on us:
