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Provisional Ballots tracked??? in Maricopa County

Written by Subject: Voting: Vote Fraud
I talked to the assistant of the County Elections Director Monday to confirm that the Maricopa County Recorder's office would have the information available that was promoted on the cover sheet of the Provisional Ballot form (copy of the form) when required. I was told by the individual that I know to be 'in the loop' that 'yes' they knew of the deadline and that it would be complied with. The promoted web site produced a blank page until today. But there is no mention of the promised information.
Voters by the thousands voted with provisional ballots and have no idea if they were counted or if there was another ballot voted in their name via the mail that they had absolutely nothing to do with. A week later, it is difficult to trust any information that would be provided anyway.
There is no "search" option on the page but if you keep looking under sub categories you may find the link to the page that DOES allow you to enter the number at the top of the pink slip you were given.
After doing so my wife was assured that...

This inquiry is for the current election date: 2/5/2008

Enter your last name and AFF# from the pink copy you received at the polling place to find out the status of your provisional ballot. For questions or if you have lost the pink copy with your AFF#, call 602-506-1511.

Last Name: Enter your last name.
Aff#: - Enter your aff#.

That's it?
Nothing on why she had to vote a provisional ballot, or if a mail ballot in her name was also counted, or why she had a voter card but wasn't on the list, etc. I'll make a visit to Maricopa County Elections to ask some questions.
Just think.... what if I ran as a candidate for Maricopa County Recorder and made it clear that instead of getting the 30 or so signatures (yes, only 30 for Libertarians :) I were to run as an intended Write-In Candidate for the the office of Maricopa County Recorder to make "certain" (certainty and the Maricopa County Elections are not often in the same sentence) that the votes were counted.
The likelihood or winning such a race is slim I know. But any other method is certain to fail in my opinion :)
The campaign would be the fun part and my goal would be to get as many people as possible to force a separation of the ballots into a very large pile of those that have to be processed by hand.
"Be Counted - Give your John Hancock for Write-in Ernest Hancock"

(can you feel the fun already?)
They want to play?... I'll play!!!