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Help: North American Union edition of The New American

Written by Subject: North American Union
From Bryan Turner:
I need your help!!!

An effort worthy of your contribution(s), and I recommend it without reservation.  Ironic that the average person on the street knows little to nothing about the North American Union (NAU)/Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) yet it is one of the most serious threats to our national sovereignty.  I would rate it right up there with ignorance and apathy.  Please help get the word out.  Thanks and may your Christmas include much about Christ.

We are in the process of delivering 1 million copies of our special edition of the North American Union edition of The New American to opinion molders across the nation.

This is going to cost the JBS one million dollars to do this monumental task.  So far we have raised about 3/4 of that, and are headed for the home stretch!  We need your help to reach that goal. 

I, along with each coordinator has been given the task of raising some of the remaining funds, about $6,000 dollars each. 

This magazine is not just going out to the first million we come across, we have selected 1 million OPINION MOLDERS to receive this special issue.  People such as pastors, talk show hosts, news anchors, elected officials, precinct committee men, etc. 

The impact we made when we distributed 100,000 of our Oct. 2005 issue was immense!  That led to 20 states introducing our resolution to oppose the NAU, and 5 of them were able to pass it in at least one of their houses of the state legislature.  And that was a mix of opinion molders as well as the average man on the street. 

Imagine what 10 times that amount directed to opinion molders will do this time!!  You can donate to this important effort online at: or you can mail me a check made out to The New American

Since I am responsible for raising a certain amount, please notify me via email or a phone call if you decide to donate online so I can get the brownie point. ;) Thanks for all you do for freedom!  Together we can repeal NAFTA and block the NAU!

Bryan Turner, Field Coordinator  Toll Free 1-(888)-887-0908  The John Birch Society: Standing for family and freedom since 1958. 

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